2D Cellular Automata
Board Size:  

Generation: 0
Living: 0
Dead: 0
Bisection Method
A two-dimensional cellular automata consists of a grid of squares, each in one of two states. The state of each cell in the next generation is determined by the states of its neighbors. In this applet, the B/S (birth/survival) notation is used to set rules for the next state of the board. For instance, if the rule is "B23/S145" then a cell that is currently dead will come to life if it has exactly 2 or 3 living neighbors, and a living cell will survive if it has exactly 1, 4, or 5 neighbors. Dead cells are shown in white and living cells in black.

There are many variations on the rules, including which neighbors are counted. Several common options are available in this applet.

You can start each game with a randomly generated field or a blank field. Click and drag on the board to change the state of cells and create a custom initial state.
Using the Applet
Change the size of the board, choose a rule, and make other artistic adjustments using the menu options.
About the Applet
This applet was created using JavaScript and the Konva graphics library.